The Cardiovascular System Questions | Cheap Nursing Papers

The Cardiovascular System Questions

The Cardiovascular System Questions1.
nurse encourages a 65-year-old female patient to get a cholesterol study
because the best indicator of possible heart disease in women is:
A. low levels of high-density lipoprotein.
B. low levels of triglycerides.
C. high levels of high-density lipoprotein.
D. low levels of low-density lipoprotein.2.
nurse explaining blood pressure to a patient instructs that, in a blood
pressure of 120/80, the 80 indicates the:
A. pulse pressure.
B. pressure in the relaxed ventricles.
C. relative ejection factor.
D. stroke volume.3.
nurse is aware that the eventual outcome of angiotensin on the circulatory
system is:
A. vasoconstriction.
B. release of sodium and water to be excreted.
C. increase in blood pressure.
D. decrease in cardiac output.4.
85-year-old patient asks the nurse why he has a heart murmur now after all
these years. What is the most likely cause of this patients heart murmur?
A. Hypertension
B. Atherosclerosis
C. Insufficient valves
D. Weakened pacemaker5.
nurse is performing a cardiac assessment on the older adult patient and notices
an irregular rhythm when listening to the apical pulse. The nurse knows that
this is often due to what cause in the elderly patient?
A. Loss of cells in the sinoatrial (SA) nodes
B. Increased peripheral resistance
C. Hypertension
D. Atherosclerosis6.
nurse warns a group of college students that atherosclerotic plaque begins to
occur after the age of:
A. 18.
B. 20.
C. 25.
D. 30.7.
nurse is outlining a teaching program for diabetic patients. Which teaching
point will the nurse stress when educating this population about strategies to
prevent heart disease?
A. Keep blood sugar below 110 mg/dL.
B. Prevent infections.
C. Eat meals at regular times.
D. Use sterile technique in insulin injections.8.
nurse explains that a Doppler flow study is done to:
A. detect a clot in a coronary artery.
B. visualize obstructions in leg vessels.
C. assessefficiency of blood flow through heart
D. detect a defective heart valve.9.
an angiogram, the nurse will assess and record:
A. allergy to dye.
B. range of motion of lower limbs.
C. presence and strength of pedal pulses.
D. nausea.10. The patient who
is to have a stress echocardiogram is instructed that prior to the test she
A. eat a full meal.
B. limit caffeine drinks to 1 cup.
C. abstain from smoking for 8 hours.
D. wear hard-soled shoes.11. The 65-year-old
patient complains of leg pain that disappears on rest after having walked a
short distance. The nurse recognizes the description of the patients
discomfort as being characteristic of:
A. muscle spasm.
B. deep venous thrombosis.
C. claudication.
D. angiospasm.12. To hear a murmur
best, the nurse should ask the patient to:
A. take a deep breath.
B. lean forward.
C. cough.
D. bear down.13. When using a 0
to 4+ scale, the nurse records a normal volume pulse as:
A. 1+.
B. 2+.
C. 3+.
D. 4+.14. The nurse has
assessed the patient to have a blood pressure of 140/90, an apical pulse of 82,
and a radial pulse of 76. The nurse records a pulse pressure of:
A. 6.
B. 56.
C. 82.
D. 90.15. The nurse
suspects arterial insufficiency in the 50-year-old patient when the feet and
legs exhibit:
A. equal warmth.
B. shiny, hairless skin.
C. thin, brittle nails.
D. pedal edema.16. When assessing a
patient with the complaint of hypertension, the nurse will inquire if the
patient routinely takes:
A. vitamins.
B. cold remedies.
C. laxatives.
D. antacids.17. The patient asks
if it is harmful for him to drink a glass of wine with dinner on a daily basis.
Which is the nurses best response?
A. As long as it is okay with your physician,
moderate alcohol intake can be beneficial to your cardiovascular health.
B. Drinking wine on a daily basis may lead to
you having issues with increased blood pressure.
C. You may want to be careful because drinking
wine with dinner may stimulate your appetite significantly.
D. This practice may cause your triglyceride
level to rise, so I would discourage it.18. The nurse is
correct when explaining to the patient that the portion of the heart that is
responsible for contracting the muscle layers in order to pump blood is which
A. Myocardium
B. Endocardium
C. Epicardium
D. Pericardium19. The nurse is
explaining to the patient how telemetry will be used during his time in the
hospital to help in diagnosing his heart disorder. Which patient statement
indicates understanding of teaching?
A. I will need to stay in bed when the monitor
is reading my heart waves.
B. This test will help determine if I have a
blockage in my arteries.
C. If there is a problem with my heart valves it
will show up with telemetry.
D. The nurses will be able to monitor my heart
rate and rhythm.20. The nurse
outlines behaviors that aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, which
are: (Select all that apply.)
A. regular physical activity at least 30 minutes
a day.
B. maintain high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
greater than 50 mg/dL.
C. refrain from smoking.
D. obtain and maintain healthy weight.
E. maintain triglycerides above 150 mg/dL.21. Cardiac output
is dependent on: (Select all that apply.)
A. heartrate.
B. peripheral pulses.
C. venous return.
D. viscosity of the blood.
E. strength of contraction.22. The nurse lists
modifiable risk factors for a patient at risk for cardiovascular disease, which
are: (Select all that apply.)
A. smoking.
B. hypertension.
C. obesity.
D. sedentary lifestyle.
E. age.23. During a
community presentation on prevention of heart disease, a person asks which
disorders are considered congenital. Which responses by the nurse are correct?
(Select all that apply.)
A. Arteriosclerosis
B. Coarctation
C. Holes in the septum
D. Valvular defects
E. AtherosclerosisHypertension
& Peripheral Vascular Disease Practice Questions24. Hypertension is
diagnosed by the finding of a blood pressure reading greater than:
A. 120/80 twice, 2 weeks apart.
B. 140/90 twice, 2 weeks apart.
C. 120/80 on 3 consecutive days.
D. 140/90 every day for a week.25. Because of
reduced sensitivity of the baroreceptors in the older adult who is also on a
diuretic, the nurse instructs the patient to:
A. walk for 20 minutes a day.
B. reduce sodium in the diet.
C. sit on the side of the bed before standing.
D. use a walker for all ambulation.26. The home health
nurse is alarmed that the hypertensive patients blood pressure has risen to
200/160, but he denies any discomfort. The nurse interprets these assessments
as being indicative of:
A. malignant hypertension.
B. hypertensive crisis.
C. essential hypertension.
D. secondary hypertension.27. The nurse adds
an intervention to the care plan of a patient who has just been prescribed a
thiazide diuretic, which is to increase:
A. intake of foods containing potassium.
B. carbohydrates in the diet.
C. foods high in sodium.
D. fluid intake.28. The patient has
been prescribed a low-sodium diet. Which food omissions from the diet will
indicate the patient has an adequate understanding of the recommended diet?
A. Fresh spinach
B. Hot dogs
C. Pasta
D. Grapefruit29. The patient is
instructed that the most common and effective antiplatelet aggregation agent
A. warfarin.
B. aspirin.
C. alteplase (Activase).
D. reteplase (Retavase).30. The patient
scheduled for a percutaneous angioplasty (PTA) is instructed that a ________ is
left in the artery to keep it patent.
A. bolus of alteplase
B. dose of reteplase
C. stent
D. graft31. The nurse is
providing patient teaching to a pregnant patient who works as a cashier in a
grocery store. Which suggestion by the nurse will help most in preventing
varicose veins?
A. Add vitamin C to diet.
B. March in place while standing at the
C. Avoid tight support hose.
D. Wear supportive shoes.32. An 86-year-old
patient asks why her ankles have a brownish discoloration and the skin looks so
thick. Which is the most accurate response by the nurse?
A. The valves in the vessels in your legs arent
working as well as they used to, which causes the discoloration and thickening
of your skin.
B. You probably arent getting enough iron in
your diet. We should talk to your doctor about adding an iron supplement.
C. How many years have you smoked? Nicotine will
cause these changes in your skin.
D. These are just normal changes seen in most
elderly people.33. The nurse is
planning the care for a patient who is to have a saphenous vein stripping. What
will be the priority intervention?
A. Bed rest and leg elevation for the first 12 to
24 hours
B. Assessing the need for significant pain relief
C. Massaging the legs to stimulate sluggish
D. Elevating the legs to prevent hematoma34. The 75-year-old
diabetic patient has an inflamed area at the shin caused by scratching. Which
intervention should the nurse perform first?
A. Record the skin break.
B. Apply antibiotic ointment.
C. Wrap with an ACE bandage.
D. Cover with clear occlusive dressing.35. The Unna paste
boot is wrapped in a variety of directions to make the most of muscular action.
These dressings are usually changed:
A. twice a day.
B. once a day.
C. every 2 to 3 days.
D. twice a month.36. The nurse
assessing a patient with a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) becomes concerned when
the patient demonstrates which sign or symptom?
A. Hematuria
B. Tingling in the limbs
C. Hematemesis
D. Hemoptysis37. The patient with
a deep venous thrombosis is on a protocol of IV urokinase. The nurse clarifies
that this drug will:
A. reduce the threat of pulmonary embolus.
B. dissolve the clot.
C. prevent platelet aggregation.
D. reduce inflammation and pain.38. The patient who
is on daily doses of warfarin is instructed in the use of a coagulation
monitoring device. The patient is taught that the device will monitor which
blood clotting time?
D. ACT39. The student
nurse is planning a presentation on hypertension to present in a community
setting. Which group of individuals should the student identify as having the
highest incidence of hypertension?
A. Muslims
B. African Americans
C. Whites
D. Latinos40. The nurse is
caring for a patient diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The patient
is complaining of intense abdominal pain and lightheadedness. The patients
blood pressure has dropped and pulse is rising. What is the priority nursing
A. Monitor the patients blood pressure every 15
B. Contact the physician immediately.
C. Notify the patients family of the change in
D. Instruct the patient to inform you if the pain
intensifies.41. The nurse is
initiating the care plan for a patient with peripheral arterial disease, who
complains of pain in the lower extremities at a 3/10, has a 0.5 cm 1 cm ulcer
on the left lower leg, and the lower legs are shiny and hairless bilaterally.
What is the priority nursing diagnosis?
A. Injury related to loss of peripheral
B. Acute pain related to ischemia to lower
C. Impaired skin integrity related to ulcer on
lower extremity
D. Deficient knowledge related to management of
medical condition42. The nurse
cautions the patient with uncontrolled hypertension that the consequences of
the disease will include: (Select all that apply.)
A. threat of a stroke.
B. possible kidney failure.
C. risk for heart attack.
D. probability of congestive heart failure.
E. development of DVT.43. Peripheral
vascular disease (PVD) is characterized by: (Select all that apply.)
A. narrowing of arteries.
B. obstruction of veins.
C. involvement of all extremities only.
D. defective valve function.
E. production of thrombophlebitis.44. The nurse
outlines methods of prevention of peripheral vascular disease (PVD), which
include: (Select all that apply.)
A. relieving stress.
B. controlling diabetes.
C. maintaining appropriate weight.
D. routinely exercising.
E. stopping smoking.45. The nurse in a
long-term care facility designs a teaching program for the residents to help
prevent peripheral vascular disease (PVD) caused by age-related changes, which
include: (Select all that apply.)
A. decreasing blood viscosity.
B. loss of elasticity in vessel walls.
C. atherosclerotic vessels.
D. sedentary practices.
E. weakened leg muscles.46. The nurse
anticipates that the patient with venous insufficiency will need an
intervention for: (Select all that apply.)
A. assessment for phlebitis.
B. elevating feet to reduce edema.
C. NSAIDs for pain control.
D. strategies to decrease itching.
E. approach to regular exercise.47. The nurse
instructs that the 6 Ps of arterial disease include: (Select all that apply.)
A. pain.
B. paresthesia.
C. putrefaction.
D. pooling.
E. pallor.48. The nurse plans
to enhance blood flow in the 80-year-old long-term care facility resident by
interventions such as: (Select all that apply.)
A. using lap throws or light blankets over legs
while sitting.
B. elevating legs with knee gatch.
C. encouraging walking.
D. coaching isometric exercises.
E. keeping environment warm.49. The nurse is
caring for a patient with Raynauds disease who is employed as a construction
worker, has hypertension, and smokes 1/2 to 1 pack of cigarettes per day. What
teaching points should the nurse include in discharge instructions? (Select all
that apply.)
A. Wear gloves during cool weather.
B. Drink plenty of warm beverages, such as
C. Insulated socks are advisable when working in
cool weather.
D. Attend a smoking program.
E. Wear gloves when handling hot objects at
Disorders Practice Questions50. The nurse would
anticipate that the patient with right-sided heart failure would exhibit:
A. wheezing.
B. orthopnea.
C. edema.
D. pallor.51. The nurse
anticipates that, on auscultation of the chest of an older adult with
left-sided congestive heart failure (CHF), the major adventitious sound will
A. wheezing.
B. crackles.
C. rhonchi.
D. friction rub.52. The nurse
explains to the patient that the implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)
A. shock the arrhythmias into sinus rhythm.
B. enhance the heart pumping action.
C. stimulate an extra beat if the heart rate
D. control the rate of the heart at a the present
level.53. The patient with
severe congestive heart failure (CHF) does not want to take the morphine
ordered, stating that he is not in pain and he is fearful of becoming addicted.
The nurse can allay anxiety by explaining that the morphine:
A. is given to many people with CHF.
B. can be omitted and relief can be obtained with
C. is used to relieve anxiety and air hunger.
D. is the only drug that can be used for CHF
patients.54. The nurse caring
for a patient with congestive heart failure (CHF) will include which
intervention in the plan of care?
A. Perform all care at one time to allow more
time to rest.
B. Keep the patient as flat as possible to
prevent venous pooling.
C. Encourage eating large meals at regular times.
D. Alternate rest with activity.55. The patient with
tachycardia who has a heart rate of 115 complains of shortness of breath. The
nurse interprets this complaint as being related to which problem?
A. Pulmonary edema
B. Drop in cardiac output
C. Impending pneumonia
D. Increasing anxiety56. The nurse
evaluates the need for further instruction on reduction of caffeine when the
patient who has an arrhythmia says:
A. Ive cut my coffee from 10 cups to 2 cups a
B. I dont drink regular cola drinks anymore.
C. I have given up drinking those high-energy
D. Ive switched from 5 cups of coffee to 5 cups
of tea.57. If there are
several tiny spikes in place of P waves on the ECG, the nurse recognizes the
arrhythmia as:
A. premature ventricular contraction (PVC).
B. atrial flutter/fibrillation.
C. ventricular tachycardia (VT).
D. premature atrial contraction (PAC).58. The patient with
atrial fibrillation asks why she needs to take warfarin. The most informative
response by the nurse is that warfarin will:
A. thin the blood to increase the ejection
B. prevent clots from forming in the atria.
C. block the arrhythmia from involving the
D. increase the cardiac output.59. The nurse caring
for a patient who is taking amiodarone (Cordarone) will plan to assess the
vital signs carefully for which common side effect?
A. Sudden increase in temperature
B. Hypotension
C. Bradycardia
D. Depressed ventilation60. The nurse
recognizes the disorganized ECG pattern of the most fatal of all arrhythmias
A. ventricular fibrillation.
B. premature ventricular beats.
C. atrial fibrillation.
D. ventricular tachycardia.61. The nurse
explains that the calcium channel blocker verapamil assists to correct an
arrhythmia by:
A. numbing the heart to the impulse to
B. increasing the strength of the impulse from
the atrioventricular (AV) node.
C. altering the impulse from the sinoatrial (SA)
D. inhibiting transmission of the impulse from
the AV node.62. The nurse will
instruct a patient with an automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
(AICD) to avoid:
A. static electricity from synthetic fabric.
B. airport security detection devices.
C. constricting clothing and belts.
D. highaltitudes.63. The nurse caring
for a patient with a temporary transvenous pacemaker will include which
A. Informing the patient that they may experience
uncomfortable muscle contractions as current passes through the chest
B. Leaving the wires exposed for easy assessment
C. Using an electric razor with caution
D. Leaving the controls of the bed in easy reach64. Which teaching
point will the nurse include when providing discharge instructions to the
patient with a new permanent pacemaker?
A. You will be able to have an MRI for
diagnostic purposes.
B. Avoid using microwave ovens.
C. Avoid lifting heavy objects for as long as
your physician prescribes.
D. Airport screening devices may cause your
pacemaker to fire incorrectly.65. The patient who
is taking digitalis for his heart condition becomes extremely dehydrated and
has scant urine output. The nurse will assess regularly for the complaint of:
A. left arm pain.
B. blurred vision.
C. itching.
D. increasing edema.66. The nurse is
caring for several patients on a cardiac care unit. The nurse is aware that the
patient who is most likely to have the disorder of aortic stenosis is which
A. 35 year old with a history of mitral valve
B. 63 year old with uncontrolled diabetes
C. 73 year old with a history of hypertension
D. 86 year old with a history of atherosclerosis67. The home health
nurse is assessing the home-bound patient with heart failure. Which assessment
finding is of most concern to the nurse?
A. The patient complains of moderate shortness of
breath after walking 1 mile on the treadmill.
B. The nurse notes a 3-lb weight gain over the
course of a week.
C. The patient reports an increase of heart rate
of 10 beats per minute after vacuuming the floor.
D. The patient reports an increase in urinary
output.68. The nurse
reminds the 60-year-old moderately obese African American hypertensive diabetic
male who smokes that he can modify his risk for heart disease by: (Select all
that apply.)
A. smoking cessation.
B. controlling diabetes.
C. exercising regularly.
D. reducing blood pressure.
E. reducing weight.69. Of all the
assessments the nurse has made on the new patient, those that may indicate
heart failure are: (Select all that apply.)
A. flushed skin.
B. jugular distention.
C. weight gain but eating very little.
D. diminished pedal pulses.
E. wearing loose house shoes rather than street
shoes.70. The independent
interventions the nurse may employ when the 80-year-old patient in the
long-term health care facility develops acute pulmonary edema are to: (Select
all that apply.)
A. give oxygen at 2 L/min.
B. give morphine to relieve respiratory distress.
C. give diuretics to relieve excess fluid.
D. position in high Fowlers position.
E. apply compression stockings.71. The nurse points
out the characteristics of normal sinus rhythm (NSR), which are: (Select all
that apply.)
A. one atrial contraction (P wave).
B. one ventricular contraction (QRS complex).
C. one T wave.
D. heart rate 60 to 100.
E. P wave following the QRS complex.72. The nurse is
aware that some arrhythmias may be the result of: (Select all that apply.)
A. hyperkalemia.
B. valvular prolapse.
C. infarct damage.
D. defectivesinoatrial node.
E. excess fluid.73. The nurse is
aware that certain risk factors increase the chance of a person developing
cardiomyopathy. Which of the circumstances increase the risk for
cardiomyopathy? (Select all that apply.)
A. Systemic hypertension
B. Chronic excessive alcohol consumption
C. Pregnancy
D. Diabetes
E. Systemic infectionCoronary
Art Dis & Cardiac Surgery Practice Questions74. The nurse
explains that the pain of coronary artery disease (CAD) is related to:
A. congestion.
B. ischemia.
C. edema.
D. inflammation.75. The nurse
explains that following a myocardial infarction (MI), the pumping efficiency of
the heart is altered because there is:
A. loss of impulse from the sinoatrial node.
B. necrosis of the myocardium.
C. diminished blood flow.
D. inflammation and swelling of the myocardium.76. The patient was
admitted with chest pain to rule out a myocardial infarction (MI). Which
cardiac enzyme test is most indicative of an MI?
A. Troponin
B. Myoglobin
D. CK-MB77. The
post-myocardial infarction (MI) patient is placed on a low-fat diet as well as
daily simvastatin (Zocor). The nurse instructs that while on this drug, the
patient should:
A. have blood work every 2 months to check for
liver damage.
B. drink grapefruit juice daily to help
metabolize the drug.
C. take medication with a meal to diminish
gastrointestinal discomfort.
D. report any rash on the face or neck to the
physician.78. The patient on a
low-fat diet following a myocardial infarction (MI) states he can eat fish to
help lower cholesterol because of its high content of:
A. fiber.
B. omega-3 fatty acids.
C. trans fat.
D. saturated fat.79. The patient with
angina asks what to do if the first nitroglycerin tablet (NGT) does not relieve
the pain. What instruction by the nurse is correct?
A. Take 2 tablets 10 minutes after the first
dose and go to the ER if you are still having pain.
B. Take a second tablet 15 minutes after the
first dose and call the physician if you are still having pain.
C. Take 2 more tablets 30 minutes apart, and
then rest for 20 minutes.
D. Take 2 more tablets 5 minutes apart and
notify the physician if your pain is not relieved.80. The nurse
explains the difference between exertional angina and unstable angina is that
unstable angina occurs:
A. on heavy exertion.
B. when the blood pressure increases sharply.
C. when the body reacts to high stress levels.
D. unpredictably, even in sleep.81. The nurse
suggests to the patient with angina that a daily dose of 81 mg of aspirin is an
inexpensive therapy to help:
A. reduce clotting.
B. dilate coronary vessels.
C. alleviate pain associated with angina.
D. lower cholesterol.82. Heart disease in
women is manifested by a variety of subtle signs. Which sign is typically seen
in women?
A. Fainting
B. Chest pain
C. Dizziness
D. Fatigue83. The patient
states that he had a cardiac catheterization 10 years ago and wonders if any of
the postprocedure care has changed. Which response by the nurse is most
A. We will only roll you to the same side as the
catheter insertion site.
B. You will lay flat for several hours, and we
will place a sandbag over the dressing in the groin.
C. You will most likely be up and about within
about 2 hours after the procedure if your doctor uses an arterial closure
device at the catheter insertion site.
D. We will encourage you to flex and extend your
legs when you return from the procedure to prevent a clot from forming at the
insertion site.84. The drug
alteplase (t-PA) is given to the patient with a myocardial infarction (MI). The
nurse is aware the drug will:
A. dissolve the obstruction in the coronary
B. dilate vessels to relieve pain.
C. strengthen cardiac contraction.
D. increase cardiac output.85. The nurse
counsels a patient that the administration of thrombolytic drugs would be contraindicated
in the patient who is:
A. hypotensive.
B. being treated for a bleeding ulcer.
C. presently taking warfarin (Coumadin).
D. prone to asthma attacks.86. The nurse
clarifies that the stool softener is given as a part of routine post-myocardial
infarction (MI) care in order to prevent:
A. bradycardia from straining at stool.
B. fluid retention from retained bowel contents.
C. respiratory difficulty from abdominal
D. discomfort from painful gas.87. Following a
cardiac catheterization with coronary angiography, the physician writes an
order to increase the patients fluid intake. The nurse knows that increasing
the fluid intake is ordered for what reason?
A. Reducing the nausea related to the dye
B. Maintaining adequate blood pressure and
C. Diluting the urine to prevent kidney damage
D. Making up for fluid lost during the angiogram88. The nurse
assesses a friction rub in a patient who is 2 days post-myocardial infarction
(MI). The nurse recognizes this finding as an indicator of:
A. a recurrent MI.
B. pleural effusion.
C. pericarditis.
D. angina.89. The 60-year-old
female in the post-coronary care unit confides to the nurse, My life is over.
Ill never be able to care for my family, take a vacation, or work in my
garden. Which response by the nurse is most supportive?
A. You are doing great! Of course youll be able
to do all those things in a few weeks.
B. You may have to give up some things, but
there are other activities you might enjoy.
C. You are feeling a little blue today. Ill get
you some medication to help your anxiety.
D. You sound a little down. Tell me what you
think is going to keep you from those activities; we might be able to address
the problems.
90. The patient in
the emergency room with a myocardial infarction (MI) becomes pale, diaphoretic,
and hypotensive and complains of feeling cold. The nurse recognizes that these
signs are which post-MI complication?
A. Cardiogenic shock
B. Pleural effusion
C. Ventricular fibrillation
D. Pulmonary embolus91. Following
patient teaching regarding a scheduled minimally invasive direct coronary
artery bypass (MIDCAB), the nurse determines the need for further instruction
when the patient makes which statement?
A. It frightens me to think that my heart will
be stopped during surgery.
B. This surgery bypasses my artery that is
blocked, and replaces it with sections of a vein or artery taken from another
part of my body.
C. This surgery will hopefully control my angina
since nothing else we have tried has worked.
D. I may come out of surgery with vessels
removed from my legs.92. The patient
being evaluated for a heart transplant asks the nurse what the survival rate
is. Which is the correct response by the nurse?
A. Im not really sure. It is better if you ask
your surgeon.
B. Every patient has different circumstances,
but the average 5-year survival rate is 70%.
C. The survival rate is excellent. Almost all
patients with a heart transplant live past 10 years.
D. There are not any really good statistics for
me to give you an accurate estimate.93. The nurse
reading admission data on a patient recognizes information that puts the
patient at risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). Which characteristic place
the patient at risk? (Select all that apply.)
A. 38-year-old African American
B. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 120,
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) 68
C. Taking oral birth control pills
D. Nonsmoker for 10 years
E. Diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago94. The nurse
instructs a patient that the pain of angina is due to ischemia of the
myocardium, which is brought on by which factors? (Select all that apply.)
A. Exertion
B. Emotional excitement
C. Eating heavy meals
D. Exposure to cold
E. Allergic reaction95. Herbs and
supplements that have been found to lower cholesterol naturally are: (Select
all that apply.)
A. garlic.
B. bananas.
C. oatmeal.
D. St. Johns wort.
E. soy products.96. The nurse is
aware that a positive diagnosis of a myocardial infarction (MI) is based on which
diagnostic test results? (Select all that apply.)
A. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes in the QRS
B. Elevation of low-density lipoprotein (LDH)
C. Elevation of troponin levels
D. Elevated white blood cell (WBC) count
E. Elevated T wave97. The nurse
clarifies that the MONA protocol for drug administration in the emergent stage
of a myocardial infarction (MI) involves the use of which therapies? (Select
all that apply.)
A. Aspirin
B. Morphine
C. Nitrates
D. Antibiotics
E. Oxygen
F. Anticoagulants98. The nurse
encourages the patient who has had a myocardial infarction (MI) to enroll in
the outpatient cardiac rehabilitation service, which offers: (Select all that
A. diet counseling.
B. supervised progressive exercise.
C. stress reduction techniques.
D. sexual counseling.
E. administration of cardiotonic drugs.99. During the acute
phase following a myocardial infarction (MI), the nurse prepares for the
possibility of the patient receiving a temporary pacemaker in which
circumstance(s)? (Select all that apply.)
A. The patients heart rate continues to remain
above 100 beats/minute.
B. The patient is experiencing continued angina
C. The patient experiences complete heart block.
D. The patients systolic BP drops below 100 consistently.
E. The patients pulse rate remains below 40

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