Suzanne is 65 years old and has worked for BCE for 25 years. | Cheap Nursing Papers

Suzanne is 65 years old and has worked for BCE for 25 years.

Suzanne is 65 years old and has worked for BCE for 25 years. She is a member of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan that will pay a retirement benefit of 2% of the average of her best 3 years of earnings multiplied by her years of service. Her salary in the year before retirement was $82,000, and rose by an average of 5% per year over the last few years. Suzanne also has $200,000 in her RRSP invested in Canadian stocks. She estimates her income needs in retirement at $50,000 a year before tax.

What will be Suzanne’s annual pension benefit from BCE?

Please help , I have no idea which formula to use .

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