Let n be a five digit number, such as 12345. When we say this number out loud, we might say it as ‘one two three four five’. Using python 3,design a… | Cheap Nursing Papers

Let n be a five digit number, such as 12345. When we say this number out loud, we might say it as ‘one two three four five’. Using python 3,design a…

Let n be a five digit number, such as 12345. When we say this number out loud, we might say it as ‘one two three four five’.

Using python 3,design a function digit_to_string(n): that converts a five digit number n to a string of its spoken equivalent.

For example:

• If n = 34689, digit_to_string(n) should return ‘three four six eight nine’.

• If n = 10101, digit_to_string(n) should return ‘one zero one zero one’.

• If n = 35, digit_to_string(n) should return ‘zero zero zero three five’.

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