Hello. I was having difficulty in implementing code to reverse the list of inserted numbers from a file. I am not sure how to reverse the list using… | Cheap Nursing Papers

Hello. I was having difficulty in implementing code to reverse the list of inserted numbers from a file. I am not sure how to reverse the list using…

Hello. I was having difficulty in implementing code to reverse the list of inserted numbers from a file. I am not sure how to reverse the list using a recursive function. Also, I cannot make a copy of the list to make a duplicate or external input list. The command I have to use is the “r” command. Here is the code I have so far. We can check it works by using the “p” function to see if it actually printed all the numbers in reverse. Thank you so much!

 *   The objective of this lab is to add the following

 * functionality to the code shown below.

 * 1) Insert a node after a specific data element in the

 *   list. (This was implicit in the lecture this after-

 *   noon. It is now explicit.)

 * 2) Remove a node from the list.


 * Note that both the insert and the removal (deletion)

 * would require that a node has been specified or

 * selected for insertion or removal.

 * Therefore the following functions would be needed.

 * A) Find, where the node’s data would match the input

 *   data.

 * B) There is an implication that the input file would

 *   be able to accept an insert, find, and delete command

 *   a specific node based on the input data value.

 * C) The input file specification should therefore be

 *   modified to support the following input data format.


 * Input data format:

 ** command value

 ** where a command is identified as follows:

 **  – i integerValue // i is the insert command

 **                   // where the node is inserted

 **                   // in a new node AFTER having

 **                   // “found” the node specified

 **                   // in the preceding “find”

 **  – f integerValue // f is the find command

 **  – d integerValue // d is the delete command

 **  – p             // p is the printAll command


 * The function prototypes are:

 -> struct node * insert(struct node * start, int dataAfter, int newData);

 ***      returns the inserted node’s address is successful

 ***              NULL address if it fails.

 **** inserts newData in the created slot following first dataAfter

 **** if no dataAfter exists, add to the bottom of the list

 -> struct node * find(struct node * start, int data)

 ***      returns the found node’s address is successful

 ***              NULL address if it fails to find the node.

 -> int delete(struct node * start, int data);

 ***      returns 0 if successful

 ***              1 if it fails.

 * See the sample input statements at the end of the source file.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef struct node {

 int data;

 struct node *next;

} node;

struct node * addToList(struct node *base, int data)


 struct node *newNode = NULL;

 struct node *temp = base;

 if (base == NULL)


     base = malloc( sizeof(struct node));

     // malloc defend

     base->data = data;

     base->next = NULL;

     return base;


 //Find the bottom of the list starting from the base

 while (base->next != NULL)


     base = base->next;


 //Now at the end of the list

 newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct node)); //get memory for new node

 //Defend against bad malloc

 base->next = newNode; // add the new node to bottom of the list

 newNode->data = data; // slap the data into the list

 newNode->next = NULL; // terminate the list by setting next to NULL

 return temp; //return the new end of the list to the caller

 //Shouldnt we return newNode?



 * Walk the list and print the data


void printList(struct node *list)


 fprintf(stdout,”data: “);

 while (list != NULL)


     fprintf(stdout, “%3d “, list->data);

     list = list->next;





struct node* find(struct node* start, int data)


   struct node* temp = start;

   while (temp != NULL)


      if (temp->data == data)


         return temp;




         temp = temp->next;



   return NULL;



Insert a node after the given dataAfter.


struct node* insert(struct node* start, int dataAfter, int newData)


   // If the start node is NULL, insert the data at the start node.

   if (start == NULL)


      start = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

      start->data = newData;

      start->next = NULL;




      // Search for the dataAfter node in the list.

      struct node* temp = find(start, dataAfter);

      if (temp == NULL)


         // dataAfter node is not found. Insert the newData at the end of the list.

         start = addToList(start, newData);




         struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

         newNode->data = newData;

         newNode->next = temp->next;

         temp->next = newNode;



   return start;


int delete(struct node* start, int data)


   if (start == NULL)


      return 0;




      struct node* temp = start;

      struct node* pointer = NULL;

      while(temp != NULL)


         if (temp->data == data)


            pointer->next = temp->next;


            return 1;


         pointer = temp;

         temp = temp->next;


      return 0;




 * pass the input file to main, then add the data from the input file

 * to the list. NB The list starts as an empty list.


int main(int argc, char **argv)


 struct node *root = NULL; // The root of the list

 struct node *temp = NULL;

 // struct node *base = NULL; // Placeholder for current end of the list

 char inBuf[100]; // input buffer

 int data = 0;

 FILE * ifp;

 ifp = fopen(argv[1], “r”); //Get the filename from the command line

 if (NULL == ifp) // Check for success

   { //Let ’em know the filename wasn’t found

     fprintf(stderr, “%s file not found.n”, argv[1]);

     return -1;



  * Read the file, then add the data to the list

  * All the while keep track of the last added node in temp


 while (fgets(inBuf, 100, ifp) != NULL)


    char c = inBuf[0];

    char* token = strtok(inBuf,” “);

    if (c == ‘i’)


         token = strtok(NULL,” “);

         char* token2 = strtok(NULL,” “);

         if (token2 == NULL)


            root = insert(root,-1,atoi(token));




            root = insert(root,atoi(token),atoi(token2));



    if (c == ‘f’)


       token = strtok(NULL,” “);

       int data = atoi(token);

       temp = find(root,data);

       if (temp == NULL)


          printf(“Not foundn”);







    if (c == ‘d’)


       token = strtok(NULL,” “);

       int data = atoi(token);

       if (delete(root,data) == 0)


          printf(“Node could not be deletedn”);




          printf(“Node has been deletedn”);



    if (c == ‘p’)






   return 0;



 * New input file with commands. (Note the comments are for

 * clarification and are NOT a requirement for this program.)

—Begin sample booyah2.txt

i 23 // insert 23

i 78 // insert 78

i 900 // insert 900 //remember if not two number the first is addToList only

i 23 42 // insert 42 after 23

p // print

f 78 // find 78

d 78 // delete 78

p // print

i 905 47 // insert 47 after 905 (failure: no afterData)

f 901 // find 901 (failure case test)

p //print

—End sample booyah2.txt


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