COAT OF ARMS | Cheap Nursing Papers



I just need part three, the essay section to be done. I also have the references as well if needed I also have a sample of this essay which is my friends essay for clarification or understanding.



The purposes of this assignment include the following:

  • Facilitate the synthesis of knowledge concerning the nature and role of nursing
  • Provide an avenue for creative expression of thoughts and feelings regarding nursing
  • Facilitate the development of team learning skills by completing this assignment
  • Facilitate the development of scholarly writing abilities.

Introduction and Cooperative Process:

  1. Students will form learning teams of 4-6 persons.
  2. There are 4 parts to this assignment:
  • The Team Contract
  • The Coat of Arms design (Template)
  • The Coat of Arms Scholarly Paper (Individual Paper)
  • The Coat of Arms Team Presentation

Part One: The Contract

Each team will submit a typed contract in class during Week Two of the Winter semester.

Contract Guidelines:

The contract should include the following:

  • A list of team members and the unique roles of each member within the team.  All members are expected to participate in the development of the ‘Coat of Arms’ and in the class presentation.
  • Goals and objectives of the team.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Time, length and frequency of team meetings.
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies.

Marks for the Contract are incorporated into the presentation mark: see presentation-marking rubric

Group Contract

Contractual Elements Group’s Commitment
Assignment Purpose / DescriptionRequires a brief outline of the team’s project. Write it clearly to ensure all team members understand the purpose.  
Assignment Goals(Outline the steps that are involved in completing this project)

Be specific. What do you have to do? How will you do it? When will it be completed?

Time, Length & Frequency of Meetings 

Include starting & ending dates of meetings


Place of Meetings 
Group Norms & Culture(Team members’ behavioral expectations)

Clear understanding of what expectations the team must abide by (a shared belief of “how we will do things”)

·         Participation and decision-making.

·         Commitment to meetings /attendance.

·         Respect for individual differences.

·         Confidentiality.

·         Appreciation for individual skills & abilities.

·         Being non-judgmental.

·         Consequence for lack of participation / keeping commitments to the group.


Conflict / Conflict ResolutioDealing with conflict in a manner that respects differences of opinions.


Leadership within the Team: Describe how leadership will function within your team.
Team Members’ Role & ResponsibilitiesEach team member must clearly understand their role & responsibility. For example:

·         Booking study rooms

·         Scheduling team meetings

·         Ensuring team contract complete

·         Completing the research

·         Creation of method of presentation

Detailed description of each team member’s role and activities, including their completion date.
Name of Member #1   


Name of Member #2 
Name of Member  #3   
Name of Member #4   
Name of Member #5 

Each member of the team needs to sign this. Your signature means that you fairly contributed to the work involved in completing this assignment, that you are fully aware of the content of this assignment, take responsibility for it (including handing it in on time), and that you testify that all the work included is original, and was not copied from, nor shared with, anyone outside the team; nor was it copied from other sources such as the Internet, course website, course notes posted by the Professor, textbook, etc. unless done with appropriate referencing.

Please refer to your Student Handbook and the Ryerson Calendar for further information on Academic Integrity guidelines and policies.

(Write names in block letters, and signatures.)

Name in Block Letters Signature


Date submitted:  __________________________

Part Two- Coat of Arms Design (Template)

See example of the Ryerson Coat of Arms on the following pages.The second part of the assignment involves the production of a ‘Coat of Arms’.

·         Teams will share their thoughts and feelings about ‘Nursing’

·         Each member of the group must select a quality and corresponding image to be represented on the COA design. (Example: Caring as an important nursing quality represented by a Heart on the COA template).

Once each team member has identified and selected a key quality of ‘Nursing’, translate these qualities into symbols (Images) that you feel best depict or represent each quality.

·         Arrange and organize these symbols to fit on a shield (like a ‘Coat of Arms’).  Think of the significance of the placement of the images on the shield.

·         Any method creative method of design is acceptable. Your group may chose to hand draw the design or use computer software, either method is acceptable.

·         Use colour and symbols as creatively as possible.

·         The finished product should fit on a standard piece of paper – 8 ½ by 11, for submission with the paper.

·         Include a list of sources for any images accessed from the Internet.

·         Each template must be submitted with the “Team Assignment Cover Template” attached.

SE 11A/B Team Assignment Cover Template

Winter 2018

To be placed at the front of your Coat of Arms Template when it is handed in

ALL students in the team must sign the contract

Team Members:  Each member of the team needs to sign this cover. Your signature means that you fairly contributed to the work involved in completing this assignment, that you are fully aware of the content of this assignment, take responsibility for it (including handing it in on time) and that you testify that all the work included is original, and was not copied from, nor shared with, anyone outside the team; nor was it copied from other sources such as the Internet, course website, course notes posted by the Professor, textbook, etc. unless done with appropriate referencing.

Please refer to your Student Handbook and the Ryerson Calendar for further information on Academic Integrity Guidelines and Policies.

Part Three –The Scholarly COA Paper

 Please review the COA paper-marking rubric on the following pages.

The Scholarly Paper

  • This is an individual paper and should not be worked on with other team members.
  • 4 pages maximum excluding cover pages and references.
  • The paper must be submitted to Turnitin ® by the due date and time.
  • Refer to the Collaborative Handbook for policy regarding late submissions and plagiarism.
  • APA format only.
  • 3 Nursing references from Scholarly Peer-reviewed Nursing Journals-Primary resource (one reference per quality).
  • Textbooks may be used as Secondary resource only.

The Scholarly Paper has 3 sections (see marking rubric)

Section 1

  • Identify each component part of the COA design
  • Explain meaning for symbol
  • Identify each quality/symbol and discuss the rationale for choice.

Section 2

  • Select 3 of the qualities represented on the Coat of Arms
  • Analyze the 3 qualities.
  • One article per quality only.
  • Show evidence of Critical Thinking in your analysis.

Section 3

  • Discussion and analysis of how your current perspective of the nursing qualities has evolved.
  • Evidence of new insights.

Students are required to submit selected written work to Turnitin ® plagiarism detection service. Students who do not want their work submitted to this plagiarism detection service must, by the end of the second week of class in the Fall semester, consult with the professor to make alternate arrangements for validating that the written work is original. When a professor has reason to suspect that an individual piece of work has been plagiarized, the professor shall be permitted to submit that work to the plagiarism detection service.

If your professor requests both a hard copy and electronic (Turnitin) copy of your paper, both versions must be identical.  When the two versions are not identical, marks will be deducted.  It is imperative that the papers be identical.

A word about the technique of submitting your paper to Turnitin.  Students must submit their paper in a PDF/Word document.  Do not cut and paste papers into Turnitin.  Do not submit individual components of your paper separately (i.e. title page in a different document than the rest of the paper). When students do not follow these guidelines, the APA formatting of the paper will be lost. Students will not be able to resubmit their papers.  It is important that students adhere to these guidelines.

When a professor marks your paper electronically through Turnitin, it is the student’s responsibility to retrieve their mark from Turnitin on the release date.  It is also the student’s responsibility to print off a hard copy of the marked paper for their portfolios.  These papers are not kept indefinitely.  They will be removed by the Turnitin service at the end of the term


Part 4- The COA presentation

The fourth part of the assignment is a 10-minute presentation, in class, of your team’s ‘Coat of Arms’, explaining the rationale behind each component part.  There will be peer feedback opportunities.  For the presentation, you will showcase your work in a format of your choice (e.g., poster; PowerPoint; skits).  It is expected that all members of your team participate during the presentation.


All work in class and outside will reflect the following:

    1. The equal participation and input of all members, as agreed to in the contract, except for the individual paper.
    2. A “student known” communication method set up that is accessible to all members.
    3. Application of the concepts of autonomy (the initiative and opportunity to speak up) and responsibility (encouragement and support provided by the team to facilitate other members speaking up) needed in all team interactions.
    4. Free and unhindered access to resources of support, e.g., the various assets of different team members, course professor for individual or team consultation and community.
    5. Feedback is to be provided to fellow team members on their performance as a team member

*Please refer to the Collaborative Student Handbook for a detailed description of the grading response categories

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