BIO1BL Root-Soil Contact for Desert Succulent Agave Deserti Article Essay | Cheap Nursing Papers

BIO1BL Root-Soil Contact for Desert Succulent Agave Deserti Article Essay

Title page:

Name, lab section(Tues 11am), title of article, date of article (Article is Attached)

Section 1. (5 points) Summary (synopsis) paragraph, not copy of abstract.

a. What did the researchers study?

b. Main questions? What were they looking for?

c. Quick summary of main results.

Section 2. (5 points) Natural history, background info on organism. You can use other sources to add to this part.

Section 3. (5 points) How did they study their question?

Field experiment?

Lab experiment?

Comparative study?

What did they measure? How did they measure it?

Section 4. (5 points) What results did they find? You may copy appropriate key graph or figure or table from the paper here, cite it, andexplain what it means; (one is good.)

Section 5. (6 points) Discussion: Significance of research, why is it important (or not)? Elaborate on this section describing the importance of the results that were found.

Would you fund this?

Validity of the methods? Did they set this up well enough to answer the questions they were asking?

What else would you have done, would you change anything to make it better?

Were there any parts of the study that you didn’t understand or thought were unnecessary (explain this.)

Section 6. (3 points) Future direction. What else should they look at next based on results. Present some of your ideas with support from their findings.

Submit on Turn it in, and don’t copy anything directly from the paper. Everything is in your own words. A Turn it in score above 15% is unacceptable.

Citation (or Reference) at the end. (1 point) Author(s) Last name, First name or initial if multiple authors, in the order they appear in the original paper, year of publication, title of article, Journal name, volume, pages.

Throughout the paper just make sure proper citations are being made [ex: (Hank, 2019)]


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